Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles Workshop
Modelling of the Respiratory System
Biomechanical, Computational and Mathematical Aspects

11th and 12th December 2006
Paris, France
Workshop Schedule

Monday afternoon (14h15-18h00)
Chairman: Bertrand Maury (Univ. Paris 11)
Tuesday morning (9h15-12h30)
Chairman: Bernard Sapoval (École Polytechnique)
Tuesday afternoon (14h-17h00)
Chairman: Yvon Maday (Univ. Paris 6)
14h15 Oliver Jensen (Univ. Nottingham)
A theoretical model of airway recruitment
09h15 Marcel Filoche (École Polytechnique & CNRS)
A model of the convective and diffusive transport of gases into the acinus
14h00 Wolfgang Wall (Tech. Univ. München)
Computational modeling towards new protective ventilation strategies
15h00 Malin Siklosi (KTH, Stockholm)
Multiscale modelling of the acoustic properties of lung parenchyma
10h00 Coffee Break
14h30 Emmanuel Promayon (Univ. Grenoble 1)
A 3D discrete model of the diaphragm and human trunk
15h30 Coffee Break
10h15 Benjamin Mauroy (Univ. Paris 7 & CNRS)
Towards a modeling of the red blood cell
15h00 Coffee Break
15h45 Céline Baranger (CEA/DAM, Bruyères-le-Châtel)
Mathematical study of a spray: existence and uniqueness of a local smooth solution
10h45 Laurent Vecellio (Inserm Tours)
In vivo and mathematical comparison of different scintigraphic approaches to assess pulmonary ventilation of COPD patients
15h15 Bruno Louis (Inserm Créteil)
Numerical and experimental study of nasal airflow
16h15 Yves Achdou (Univ. Paris 7)
Boundary value problems in selfsimilar ramified domains with a fractal boundary
11h15 Coffee Break
15h45 Redouane Fodil (Inserm Créteil)
Modeling of upper airway coupling
16h45 Christine Vannier (Univ. Paris 11)
Mathematical modelling of the bronchial tree
11h30 Leonardo Baffico (Univ. Caen)
Numerical simulations of the airflow in the human bronchial tree based on a 3D fluid - 0D structure interaction model
16h15 Coffee Break
17h15 Coffee Break
12h00 Xavier Maître (Univ. Paris 11 & CNRS)
Hyperpolarized helium-3 magnetic resonance imaging: tracking gas motion throughout the airways
16h30 Denis Grebenkov (Univ. Paris 11)
Diffusion imaging of healthy and emphysematous acinus
17h30 Adrian Bejan (Duke Univ.)
The constructal law of generation of configuration in nature

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