Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles Workshop
Modelling of the Respiratory System
Biomechanical, Computational and Mathematical Aspects

11th and 12th December 2006
Paris, France
Among all systems in medical modelling, the respiratory system certainly holds a pole position for complexity. It is indeed a place where many exchanges and interactions take place. The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists from various fields interested in the modelling of the lung. By modelling we mean mathematical, mechanical, biological as well as computational aspects.
The workshop will adress the following topics:
  • air flows through the upper airways,
  • oxygene diffusion,
  • aerosols,
  • role of the surfactant,
  • modelling of the parenchyma.
This workshop is supported by the FNS (National Fund for Science) of the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, through the ACI LePoumonVousDisJe.

The first day will mostly focus on the mathematical aspects of the latter points whereas the second day will be mainly dedicated to the biomechanical and computational aspects.  See the final schedule.

Confirmed Speakers
  • Yves Achdou (Univ. Paris 7, France),
  • Leonardo Baffico (Univ. Caen, France),
  • Céline Baranger (CEA/DAM, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France),
  • Adrian Bejan (Duke Univ., USA),
  • Marcel Filoche (École Polytechnique & CNRS, France),
  • Redouane Fodil (Inserm Créteil, France),
  • Oliver Jensen (Univ. Nottingham, United Kingdom),
  • Bruno Louis (Inserm Créteil, France),
  • Xavier Maître (Univ. Paris 11, France),
  • Benjamin Mauroy (Univ. Paris 7 & CNRS, France),
  • Emmanuel Promayon (Univ. Grenoble 1, France),
  • Malin Siklosi (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden),
  • Christine Vannier (Univ. Paris 11, France),
  • Laurent Vecellio (Inserm Tours, France),
  • Wolfgang Wall (Tech. Univ. München, Germany).

The speakers may provide formal material to be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Mathematics, within the Mathematical Biosciences Subseries.

The workshop will take place at the Institut Henri Poincaré, in Paris, France. The talks will be given in the Hermite amphitheatre.

No registration fee are required. Please fill the registration form (mandatory).
The lunches are not included in the registration, but the organizers will provide a list of convenient restaurants.

Send us an email for any question related to the workshop.

Organizing Commitee
Laurent Boudin (Lab. J.-L. Lions, Univ. Paris 6 & REO project team, INRIA Rocquencourt),
Céline Grandmont (REO project team, INRIA Rocquencourt),
Yvon Maday (Lab. J.-L. Lions, Univ. Paris 6 & Div. Appl. Math., Brown Univ.),
Bertrand Maury (Lab. Math. Orsay, Univ. Paris 11),
Bernard Sapoval (Lab. Phys. Mat. Cond., École Polytechnique).